
Jon Link

Romans: How the Law Reveals Sin

Romans 7:7-13

Sep 1, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Released from the Law, Bound to Christ

Romans 7:1-6

Aug 25, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: The Wages of Sin and the Free Gift of God

Romans 6:20-23

Aug 18, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Dead to Sin Raised to Life

(Romans 6:3-4)

Jul 28, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: The Reign of Grace

Romans 5:18-6:2

Jul 21, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Death in Adam, Life in Christ - Part 2

Romans 5:12-17

Jul 14, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Death in Adam, Life in Christ - Part 1

Romans 5:12

Jul 7, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Blessed Assurance

Romans 5:1-5

Jun 23, 2024

Jon Link

Heirs to the King

1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Jun 16, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Counted To Us As Righteousness

Romans 4:18-25

Jun 9, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Through Faith Alone

Romans 4:9-17

Jun 2, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: There Is No Room For Boasting

Romans 3:27-31

May 19, 2024

Jon Link

Mother's Day: The Persevering Faith of a Mother

May 12, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: The Just and the Justifier

Romans 3:24-26

May 5, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: The Unique Nature of Our Righteousness

Romans 3:21-25

Apr 28, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: The Final Verdict

Romans 3:9-20

Apr 21, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: You Call Yourself a Christian?

Romans 2:17-29

Apr 7, 2024

Jon Link

Easter: Our Resurrected King

John 20:1-18

Mar 31, 2024

Jon Link
Martin Schwarz
Travis Dutton

Good Friday

Matthew 27:24-54

Mar 29, 2024

Jon Link

Palm Sunday: The Arrival of the King

Matthew 21:1-11

Mar 24, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Written On Our Hearts

Romans 2:11-16

Mar 17, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Being Bold in a Debased Society

Romans 1:28-32

Mar 3, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Dishonorable Passions, Unnatural Relations

Romans 1:26-27

Feb 25, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Exchanging the Truth for a Lie

Romans 1:24-25

Feb 18, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: They Are Without Excuse

Romans 1:19-23

Feb 11, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: Divine Wrath

Romans 1:18

Feb 4, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: The Marks of a True Shepherd Leader

Romans 1:8-15

Jan 21, 2024

Jon Link

Romans: The Gospel of God

Romans 1:1-7

Jan 14, 2024

Jon Link

A Preface to the Book of Romans

Jan 7, 2024

Jon Link

Good News, Great Joy, Great King: Head Knowledge That Leads to Heart Knowledge

Romans 5:1-5

Dec 24, 2023

Jon Link

Good News, Great Joy, Great King: Finding Joy In Our Suffering

Romans 5:1-5

Dec 10, 2023

Jon Link

Good News, Great Joy, Great King: Peace with God, Peace of God

Romans 5:1-5

Dec 3, 2023

Jon Link

Covenant: To Know and To Be Known

Nov 19, 2023

Jon Link

Covenant: Conflict - Addressing the War Within Yourself

Nov 12, 2023

Jon Link

Covenant: A Covenant Before Our Creator

Genesis 2

Oct 29, 2023

Jon Link

International Mission Focus

Oct 22, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: Choose This Day

Joshua 23-24

Oct 15, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: Run To Our Refuge

Joshua 15-20

Oct 1, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: Mountains to Climb, Giants to Conquer

Joshua 14

Sep 24, 2023

Jon Link

Year ONE

Sep 17, 2023

Jon Link
Travis Dutton

Joshua: Our Great Inheritance

Joshua 13

Sep 10, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: Burn the Chariots

Joshua 11-12

Sep 3, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: Picking Up the Pieces of a Bad Decision

Joshua 9:16-27

Aug 20, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: Do Not Be Deceived

Joshua 9:1-15

Aug 13, 2023

Jon Link

Baptism: Divine Appointment, Divine Obedience

Acts 8:26-40

Jul 30, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: Down Come the Walls

Joshua 6

Jul 16, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: Commander of the Lord's Army

Joshua 5:13-15

Jul 9, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: Consecration Before Conquest

Joshua 5:1-12

Jul 2, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: Memorial Stones to Remember

Joshua 4

Jun 25, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: On Dry Ground

Joshua 3

Jun 11, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: The Scarlet Cord of Redemption

Joshua 2

Jun 4, 2023

Jon Link

Joshua: Strong and Courageous

Joshua 1:1-9

May 21, 2023

Jon Link

Mother's Day: A Faith Worth Passing Down

2 Timothy 1:5-7

May 14, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: The God of all Grace

1 Peter 5:10-11

May 7, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: Shepherding the Flock

1 Peter 5:1-4

Apr 23, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: Entrust Yourself to a Trustworthy God

1 Peter 4:15-19

Apr 16, 2023

Jon Link

Resurrection Sunday: Christ Has Been Raised!

1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Apr 9, 2023

Jon Link

Good Friday: What's in the cup?

Matthew 27

Apr 7, 2023

Jon Link

Palm Sunday: In the crowd or at the cross?

John 12:12-19

Apr 2, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: Live and Love as if the End is Near

1 Peter 4:7-11

Mar 19, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: Cease from Sin by Suffering in the Flesh

1 Peter 4:1-6

Mar 12, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: The Triumph of Christ

1 Peter 3:18-22

Mar 5, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: Reflections, Responses, Rewards

1 Peter 3:8-12

Feb 19, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: The Beauty of Fearless Submission

1 Peter 3:1-7

Feb 12, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: Entrusting in Him Who Judges Justly

1 Peter 2:18-25

Feb 5, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: Standing Firm in the Freedom of Our Submission

1 Peter 2:13-17

Jan 29, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: A Chosen, Royal, Holy and Treasured Identity in Christ

1 Peter 2:9-10

Jan 15, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: A Rock of Offense or the Rock of Your Salvation?

1 Peter 2:6-8

Jan 8, 2023

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: Living Stones and a Holy Priesthood

1 Peter 2:4-5

Jan 1, 2023

Jon Link

Christmas Eve 2022: Three Responses

Dec 24, 2022

Jon Link

Hope Has Come: All the Fullness of God

Ephesians 3:14-19

Dec 18, 2022

Jon Link

Hope Has Come: My Peace I Give to You

John 14:27

Dec 4, 2022

Jon Link

Hope Has Come: Two Advents, One Hope

Titus 2:11-14

Nov 27, 2022

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: Long for the Pure Spiritual Milk

1 Peter 2:1-3

Nov 20, 2022

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: Live in Fear

1 Peter 1:17-21

Nov 6, 2022

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: Look to Hope, Live in Holiness

1 Peter 1:13-16

Oct 30, 2022

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: The Witnesses of Our Salvation

1 Peter 1:10-12

Oct 23, 2022

Jon Link

Unfading Hope: A Faith that Endures

1 Peter 1:6-9

Oct 16, 2022

Jon Link

Ekklesia: The Ordinances

Romans 6:3-6, 1 Corinthians 11:27-29

Oct 2, 2022

Jon Link

Ekklesia: Devotion to the Church

Acts 2:37-47

Sep 25, 2022

Jon Link

Ekklesia: The Glory of the Church

Matthew 16:13-18

Sep 18, 2022

Jon Link

Ekklesia: Many Members, One Body

1 Corinthians 12:12, Hebrews 13:17

Sep 11, 2022

Jon Link

Ekklesia: Christ the Cornerstone

Ephesians 2:19-22

Aug 28, 2022

Jon Link

All Authority in Heaven and Earth

Matthew 28:18-20

Jul 24, 2022

Jon Link