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Women's Ministry

Thank you for your interest in Devoted, our Redeemer women’s ministry! We are very excited about these opportunities to serve the women of Redeemer. We offer an 8 week Fall Bible Study and a 10 week Winter & Spring Bible Study. Our studies always include worship, a speaker, small group time, and prayer. Serving opportunities and women’s fellowship events are held throughout the year. We invite you to join us as we study God’s Word (2 Tim. 3:16-17), serve our community (I Peter 4:10), grow in godly friendships (Ecc. 4:10), and enjoy opportunities to support and encourage one another as we gather weekly (Heb. 10:25).

Sign Up

Moms In the Park

Calling all Redeemer Moms! Join us this summer for some fun filled park play dates! We will meet Fridays (weather permitting) at Reid Merrill Park.  Hope you can join us! Please sign up if you are able to attend any of them.  This just gives us a contact list in case we need to cancel or make any changes.


All moms of babies and kiddos!


Moms in the Park


Fridays at 10:30 am beginning May 31st.


Reid Merrill Park in Eagle


Fun play dates and connection!

Please contact Tate DaFoe for more information: